When you're drowning in a sea of disappointment, dread and dead-ends, you can't help but shut the world out semi-consciously. It starts with the subtle declines to social events. Then follows the contact avoidance of your nearest and dearest. In a bid not to cause any discomfort to others, you've left yourself without the basic social comforts of a loving and supportive network at your darkest time.
You find yourself wallowing in self-pity, pining for a confidant to purge to, yet nothing but echoes follow. By turning others down time and again, you've left yourself isolated. What initially felt like you were saving them (and yourself) from awkward conversations about the same dire sitch, has turned to a retrograde to foetal life of lonesomeness.
What's inevitably happened is you've bruised a few egos and/or inserted "no" as your default response. By refusing to open up about what's hurting, you felt you were doing them a favour by not boring them. Instead, you shut out those who truly care about you. I'd always thought it was selfish for another to just want to know for the sake of it, but opening up cultivates a connection of trust, vulnerability, and loyalty.
Remaining closed off sends relationships to nowhere but the grave, and in order to revive it, it takes an organic willingness to put oneself out there & be vulnerable. What will germinate is a blossoming union unlike the past. The weed is one's nature. For the emotional-introverts, the prospect of opening up to another is worrying. Having boarded up the routes to feelings, grooming that atmosphere again seems somewhat alien. Threats of old weasel their way into one's present & you're catapulted to past hurts. Life is pregnant with risk, reason and redemption. Quite like The Matrix, you're never quite sure what hand you're dealt, but nothing's gained living a life on the fence always wondering "what if?" Take a risk, and learn valuable lessons.
"All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance" Edward Gibbon
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