Live Your Life

I was moved yesterday by a blog post by one of my BLEURGHsessions, Shirley from Meek-n-Mild, about the progress she had made since high school where she was bullied and teased. As you know, I'm a very secretive person with trust issues, and that's because in the past, I also went through quite a similar ordeal. I wasn't as brave as she was to pinpoint the perpetrators to a member of staff (I did tell the Assistant Headteacher who was friendly with my mother) after an issue concerning it, escalated to the point it affected my studies and productivity in class. It went on for long enough until members of my family started to notice changes in my behaviour (unwarranted moodiness and depression- a term my mother was not a fan of) and my mother sat me down to give me one of the most moving talks of my life thus far.
I guess, to say I'm totally over my insecurities would be a lie. I still have 'ugly days', quite like any other girl. But I am a lot stronger coming from that, thanks to the strength and support of good friends and family. Friends were the main issue back then 'cos I didn't have people I could trust and confide in, and the problems got worse and I felt lonelier every day. To come from that to a day when I can point out the people I know will be at my funeral is a beautiful thing, and I'm truly thankful to God for that.
The reason I'm writing this is not to seek sympathy from my readers and subscribers, or to follow Shirley like a shadow, but to highlight the problems Bloggers face atm. We are not machines or immune to criticism. BLEURGH is meant to be a platform for free speech, quite like the aim of the internet in general. But for Anonymous scribers to write hateful comments about me, my looks or my family is just unnecessary.
I'm happy i've genuinely reached a point in my life where scornful words spat out to spite or hurt me, bear no effect on me. What I do feel, is sad and sorry for young bloggers who genuinely wish to share their craft and joys with the world and instead, are faced with bitter online-bullies...just stop! I live my life for me and no one else...if you don't like what you see, please DO NOT READ my BLEURGH or WATCH my Vleurghs...simples!

Onyxsta says...BLEURGH!! Life is like a coin, you can only spend it once, so make the splurge worth it. Xisses


  1. Know how it feels...You looks beautiful...x

  2. nice post..

    i laugh when i see these anons commenting rude things...if its something they cannot say as themselves then its pointless..and frankly unnecessary.

  3. Totally know how you feel hun. Such hate and joblessness marred my whole Uni experience to the point that I refer to my time there as The Lost Years *sigh*

    Just keep doing you and don't let anyone stop you. They should be more concerned about their own lives than yours. As I've been saying for the past few days: 'Don't get mad, get successful. It's the best form of revenge'.


  4. Its always crazy to me that beautiful girls like you were teased about anything! But people say the same thing to me. I know exactly what you're saying because I was teased for YEARS about my weight. I've always been the fat girl and when I'm around certain people I still feel the same way. But I've come to realize I'm a girl that God spent a little more time on. I've got a little extra than the next chick and there's very little I can do to change that so I mind as well start loving it!!

    Editor & Chic

  5. I get negative comments nearly ever other day on my's part of what we do as bloggers...keep going..let them see what their!!

  6. And that Onyeka is why I don't let these anons comment on my blog....I know it will affect me and make me feel insecure aboout myself. One day I hope to not let what people say get to

  7. is the back of your hair blonde? I love it!, don't insecurities suck??

  8. Don't know what i was watching but what i've learnt is that people take out their insecurities on others when they bully. Guess the anon bully was jealous cos they cudnt write.

    Lovin the hair pics btw esp 1 and 3 quite candid....funny that was thinking N.M but then a pic of Jessie J poopped up and i was like that's it. lol

  9. You look amazing dear!

    Thanks for your sweet comment! <3

  10. About the tangle teezer, i do believe it is definitely worth the purchase as my hair was very hard to detangle until i got this brush. I won't use any other brush anywhere near my hair to detangle it

  11. Such a beautiful post, I also read Shirley's (meeknmild) post and it really moved me.x

  12. Lovely post! I don't know why I thought I was following before! :s ..sorted that out! :) xo

  13. Oh honey, you are so courageous to speak openly about your insecurities as well as tell the "haters" to essentially "eff-off". I think you are a beautiful person and thank you for coming to my blog. Otherwise I wouldn't of found such a strong and beautiful blogger.


  14. I'm loving the blonde and black

  15. you know what Hun I've come to the realization that in life there's always going to be someone who has something to say about the way you live your life! even when they don't even know you and that's why they remain anonymous!

    Not every one thinks like you and me and I'm sure if that was the case the world would be a better place :) some people people don't know better so they can't do better u feel me? he or she needs to reevaluate their life because obviously if you have to put some one down to feel better you mos deff have some insecurities!

    Don't let words harm you from a fools mouth! Do you you're pretty,ambitious and I'm sure you have alot going for you! knock em dead!

    * BLEURGH* lol xoxo Ty
