Hey hunnies! Its been too long and i blame YaYa. Hey! I've always been the irresponsible one, hence my tale...
So a week into moving into our new place, I go back to London for a fab "Cops & Bandits" shindig at my brother's as a flatwarming/ birthday celebration. And I must say, his new pad is FAB!!! Its got the whole IronMan feel with the bedroom overlooking his livingroom and his decor is to DIE for. All black and glass...modernity gets an A+ in my books, all that antique and Victorian wood makes my skin crawl

Hat = Fancy Dress store (Manchester)
Shirt = Debenhams / Marks & Spencers (unsure, twas my sister's)
Skirt / Pinafore = Primark
So obvo, as I was in London, I HAD to go home & see my parents, etc. They bombarded my suitcase with goodies, both Western & African. My kitchen (and belly) were more than pleased. The days ride on and I'm inspired to delve into the kitchen & cook something to make me homesick (or not? lol) YaYa and I decide on fried yam and plantain. We enter the kitchen, approach the cooker and its hot. So wise-arse over here (that would be me) decides that's a job less to do (turn on the cooker....how LAZY am i?? i KNOW) so we just place the wok on top & i pour the oil in, turn around to slice the yams and i feel heat... I turn my attention back to the cooker and its smoking at this point. I'm alarmed so i turn on the vent....BAD IDEA!! The pan goes UP IN SMOKE (like the Dr Dre tour) and I start panicking!! So much for the "fire psa's" I watched when I was younger lol. There a load of hoo-ha with my flatmates thinking (as a compulsive liar) I was crying wolf, for which they soon regretted, with SiSi running out with NO shoes and pants she refers to as "shorts"...LMFAO memories!! Anyway, the fire brigade were called...we turned off the fire & no, not with a blanket as provided but with H2O...YES! We know, we could have died! And the rest is history!

But yer, that was 2 weeks ago and this is now...I have gotten over the shock and have overcome my fear of the kitchen. Now cooking rather than ordering in, I believe I am making progress, you need not worry. What I may need your concern over however is my life!! Uni's KILLING me!! I have no time to think, talk less of blog. I have taken on quite a few things this year, one being a project called the "After School Club", run by UNICEF. I'm personally helping this cute kid called Hanan, and she's TRES cute!!
As Mother Teresa said (i DID go to a Catholic Sixth Form people, gimme a break!!) "I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God"...i'm doing my bit.
YeYe says...BLEURGH! I can't save the whole world at once, but a sketch at a time will eventually produce a masterpiece. Xisses
Congrats on volunteering, I do so too and I admire anyone who does.
ReplyDeleteYour fire brigade story reminds me of when I inadvertently set off our alarm. Then the whole block had to vacate and it was the middle of winter. They weren't happy with me. LOL
What kinda volunteering do u do hun?
ReplyDeleteOMFG!! Imagine...the fire alarm didn't even go off nor did the censor. We called all our family to let them know the deal straight after...memories *sigh*
Wow! Thank God you were all okay!