Girl Meets Change is Kristen Strong's open-letter/ prayer empowering women to reorder their view of change, as she has, to see it not as something worth struggling against but embracing, overcoming and living through gracefully as a gift from God. Girl Meets Change is somewhat like an autobiography, showcasing all the various changes Strong endured such as infertility, chronic illness of a loved one and near-paralysis of her daughter. Littered in-between are inspirational quotes, biblical anecdotes, not to mention various wise contributions from friends and family who've also endured change's challenges. It's not a book I would personally re-read, but I cannot overlook its spiritual benefit for anyone who has/ is currently struggling with adjusting to life's transitions. Here's my thematic review; feel free to let me know below if its worth a read. 
Purpose in Pain - Our reactions to change shape our life, so Strong acknowledges why we react negatively, and gives examples on people who haven't and how it's worked out better as a result. It is hoped this will inspire the reader to change her outlook. We know too little of what could be to feel discontent with what is. Undeniably, it's hard to hang on to belief when it isn't evident, but a big vision deserves an unheard of level of faith. Especially when it hurts. How can a divine provision hurt? There is purpose in difficulty and pain brings about that change. Think about an injury you sustained; recovery isn't a given without enduring some level of pain. Pain is inevitable enroute to recovery, and the same goes for "change".
"Change is an absolute provision of God's grace" Prologue
"We are hard pressed but not crushed. We are perplexed but not in despair. We are struck down but not destroyed" 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9
Lone Ranger - Change is devastatingly lonely, especially when it is the loss of someone or something you held dear. However, Strong advises the reader to resist the urge to sweep our feelings under the proverbial rug. We have a tendency to apologise for being human or having normal feelings as a consequence of harsh change. We resent our weakness as failings, and in a bid to hide our feelings, we fail to adequately process this transition. Strong eloquently states: grieving comes before the healing (Chapter 3). So quit the "fine" retort and embrace your truth. Relationships are strengthened by authentic and honest communication, so be real with yourself and your confidant.
"Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God" Anonymous
"Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God" Anonymous
"By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst" Ecclesiastes 4: 12
Connect - Suffering in silence only makes the season of waiting seem longer. It also makes the trial seem unique. Isolation robs you of objectivity and creates a sense of barrenness; like no one before you has felt this level of pain. There really is safety in numbers. Friendship is more than an antidote to loneliness. Friends dumb down the hardships and make the season of change more bearable. Friends with prior experience provide a model and invaluable insight into how you can avoid their mistakes and better steer the course of inevitable change. "Community grown from shared adversity forms a bridge" Chapter 8. So harness your ability to see change through an objective perspective by widening your scope, including the views, advice and help from your network.
"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe" St. Augustine
"Change is not a life hindrance but a life occurrence acting as a stepping stone toward his very best for us" Chapter 4
Give Up & Get Up - We have demonised quitting. Quitting is seen as the coward's way out, so we endlessly drum at a point until the cows come home. Why? Lord knows! Giving up gives us a new depth to our faith. Give up and gain a flexible spirit. The nature of life itself is movement, so we need to be flexible and accept when one door doesn't open so we can knock on another. Our brains are actually wired to resist change, so it makes sense why we feel safer doing what we know. Going after the same type of guys even though we know they'll break our hearts. Working at the dead ens role we hate, because we are scared to take a chance on our dreams. But we have to learn to sacrifice good things so God will provide the best things for us. Remove the excuses seen as limitations preventing us from accepting change, and embrace them instead in order to walk into a greater fulfilment of our destiny. "Life's limitations are God's invitation to change our expectations" Chapter 5. "When we spend all our energy wishing things were different, we have no strength to revel in the glory of the blessings in front of us" Chapter 5. Stop equating this period of change/ waiting as wasted time. Use this time efficiently & free yourself of the past in order to move forward into your future.
"Only he who gives thanks for the little things receives the big things" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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