Digital Detox

Well, well, well...look who decided to return?
Why the hiatus this time? Well, its simple. I decided to live. Not live and share...just LIVE!
Actually go out there in the big wide world and just embrace all the surprises it chucked my way. And I have to say, its been AWESOME! Not all good, but awesome all the same.
You see, I had an epiphany, and it hurt like hell! Not only did I lose everything I loved all at the same time (I'm talking EVERYTHING here people), but I lost myself in the process. I was tired of churning out mantras I had lost all belief in, and it took a life concussion for me to gain perspective.
(Pictures below from top left: Watching Beyonce at V festival; At the 'Big IF' event in Hyde Park; watching Justin Timberlake & JayZ at Wireless Festival;  Present at Baroness Hale's swearing in as deputy President of the Supreme Court; Bouquet as Maid of Honour at my sister's wedding; Audience at taping of 'The Chase'; delivering a speech in Barclays Capital; Watching the basketball Paralympics game; The Supreme Court empty; at a fellow blogger's flat-warming; Audience at ITV Studios; Attended (and won further 2 shows) iTunes Festival; Audience at BBC Studios for taping of 'Live at the Electric'; attended book launch for 'Happily Ever After')
So I went on a digital detox; not a fast per-se, but a basic withdrawal from the online world. I quit tweeting irrelevant nonsense. I stopped pictorially detailing my world and its ins & outs so much on instagram. I withdrew from cyberstalking celebs and people alike on blogs and other social media platforms. I didn't go cold-turkey by choice, but more by force [of circumstances]. It was in that time that I began to notice the things around me more than the things e-side my phone/kindle/laptop. I began to attend invigorating events, meet influential people and do interesting things. I reconnected with lost loves and old friends, as well as rekindling former passions and acquiring new talents. The rock-bottom I'd hit & subsequent digital detox forced propelled me out of my comfort zone and challenged all I knew about life. I'm excited to come back with a renewed zeal and write rawer than ever. You ready?
Onyxsta says...BLEURGH!! When life challenges you to confront your current ethos, the challenge faced requires a fresh perspective perhaps gained from a digital detox. Xisses


  1. Raw perspective is always fresh and inspiring.Welcome back

    1. Glad to be back. Still thawing but hopefully now I can speak my mind, no apologies :)

  2. i've been going back and forth with myself debating whether i can discontinue the use of my blog and social media and just live and enjoy life without exploiting it to others! i might try it!

    1. I know what you mean. I think we all need a break now & again. I have decided to steer clear from the 'my life is so great great, look at me!' posts and keep it strictly topical. I think having in your head a clear vision of what purpose you want your blog to serve will be beneficial to its content in the long-run

  3. Nice blog of yours. Amazing photos.

    Let's follow watch other. Tell me what you think at my blog:

    Following you

    XoXo with love,

    1. Erm...thanks
      I will take a look at yours x

  4. Ms. Z!ka
    PS: visit my reality blog

    1. I will visit yours...and thanks for reading and commenting on other posts.
      Glad you liked BLEURGH

  5. You sure did achieve a lot during your blogger's break, Well Done!!!
