
Adulting is the art of doing grown up things such as securing and holding down a career, starting and keeping a family, among other things. Why is it trending? Well, it's become a rarity at the age that was once advertised; from 18 to 21 to 25...and now encroaching 30. Yes, I know 30 year olds who are nowhere near where you'd expect an 'adult' to be, and that's not to say they are irresponsible or childish, just...times have changed! Also, what's expected to mark one out as an adult is so far skewed nowadays that it begs the question "what makes one an adult?" in the first place.
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"I'm fine". My most used phrase when I'm anything other than, and a phrase most commonly used by those suffering from depression and/ or anxiety. Sometimes it's liberating to just admit that we are not ok. Shed the facade & free ourselves of the burden of expectation. Why do we become so bogged down with society's expectations that we lose sight of our passion, what makes us who we are, all in a bid to pit ourselves against a random Sally. In the past, when I have felt low, I'd rather hide under a bushel than write. In fact, I still don't want to own my thoughts, but I've found this blog to be an outlet not just for myself, but my readers alike. Themes, lessons and messages that flow from me, touch so many of you & it warms my heart to read about your triumphs and challenges via email or in the comments below. Humanises the process of blogging. 
The Bloggers' Hangout - The Bloggers' Tea Party
I have found, through this process, that the most bitter emotion anyone can experience is rejection. However, that is what circles adulthood; challenge. Not feeling competent or good enough for something or someone you desire. Shut doors and trapped dreams, all out of reach. That is all par for the course in developing from kidulthood to adulthood. I drown myself in psychology, sociology, empathy, theology...blogology lol. I want to understand. Bury myself in enough text to dig out the root of it. Childhood is a social construct as back in the day,  a family's livelihood was the product of its members' earnings, children included. Yet, over the years, children have been cast as vulnerable individuals to be protected, nurtured...and what has been reborn are young millennials unaware of reality and arguably ill-equipped for life.
The Bloggers' Hangout - The Bloggers' Tea Party
Milleannials mask pain, and choose to depict an unrealistic facade of ok-ness, all in a bid to look and feel like an adult. That involves documenting one's life admin online, or posting grand achievements for public acknowledgment such as a picture of one's driving license once attained. What are we searching for, I wonder? Validation? The stigma attached to failure and the weighted burden of lagging behind a self-imposed timeline has driven millennials to pit themselves against dated sociological concepts.
Watch : Guess | Patent Loafers : Principles by Ben de Lisi (Debenhams)
The fact of the matter is, with house prices at an all time high; women now pursuing careers in line with choosing to raise a family, adulthood based on the markers above is a dated prospect and concept. How realistic is it for young people to achieve said things by 25 or even 30 nowadays? (LEGALLY, might I add). If only school, which was designed as the vehicle/ preparatory tool, could include managing one's finances or health and wellbeing management to the curriculum, the world would be a better place. Until then, I am afraid we will have to sit through endless updates from our peers on what benchmarks have been [sur]passed & what next is being worked towards.
"Adults are obsolete children" Dr. Seuss

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